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Lesson 91, April 1

Miracles are seen in light. Miracles cannot be seen in the darkness, however, our faith is in the darkness. Miracles are always in our minds, always available to us, but we fail to perceive them […]

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Lesson 90, March 31

(79) Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved. (80) Let me recognize my problems have been solved. (79) Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved. A Course in Miracles […]

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Lesson 89, March 30

(77) I am entitled to miracles. (78) Let miracles replace all grievances. (77) I am entitled to miracles. We are under no laws but God’s, and as He releases us from grievances when we but […]

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Lesson 88, March 29

(75) The light has come. (76) I am under no laws but God’s. (75) The light has come. Nothing is Real but God’s love and goodness. Nothing is Real but God. Nothing is Real but […]

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Lesson 87, March 28

(73) I will there be light. (74) There is no will but God’s. (73) I will there be light. Light and Love is the one Guide that we need to follow to wherever they lead. […]

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Lesson 86, March 27

(71) Only God’s plan for salvation will work. (72) Holding grievances is an attack on God’s plan for salvation. (71) Only God’s plan for salvation will work. If only God’s plan for salvation will work, […]

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Lesson 85, March 26

(69) My grievances hide the light of the world in me. (70) My salvation comes from me. (69) My grievances hide the light of the world in me. Grievances have the power to block from […]

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Lesson 84, March 25

(67) Love created me like Itself. (68) Love holds no grievances. (67) Love created me like Itself. We cannot experience suffering, loss, death, or being a body because we are each created in the image […]

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Lesson 83, March 24

(65) My only function is the one God gave me. (66) My happiness and my function are one. (65) My only function is the one God gave me. Our function is our identity and our […]

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Lesson 82, March 23

(63) The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness. (64) Let me not forget my function. (63) The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness. […]

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Lesson 81, March 22

Review II Hold a strong listening intention of confidence (“the message is mine”), desire (“I receive your message today) and determination (“I hear Your message”). For mind wandering, realize distracting thoughts have no power or […]

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Lesson 80, March 21

Let me recognize my problems have been solved. All problems are the same, despite appearing to have different forms, and there is only one solution to the one, single problem. Salvation depends on the idea […]

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Lesson 79, March 20

Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved. For many of us, there seems no end to the problems that we are confronted with, nor does there seem any period of time in […]

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Lesson 78, March 19

Let miracles replace all grievances. This lesson points out that in every moment we are choosing between a grievance and the miracle that the grievance conceals. Every grievance we carry creates a block in our […]

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Lesson 77, March 18

I am entitled to miracles. Miracles follow from the laws of God and not from the laws of the world. Every person is deserving and worthy of experiencing miracles. Because of our identity as a […]

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Lesson 76, March 17

I am under no laws but God’s. We are in truth not subject to any laws but for the laws of God. We think that manmade laws of money, marriage, medicine, religion, and nutrition will […]

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Lesson 75, March 16

The light has come. This lesson is a positive affirmation letting us know that we are already healed and that we bring our inner peace with us wherever we go. Reading this lesson can almost […]

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Lesson 74, March 15

There is no will but God’s. We cannot have conflicting goals because there is only one will. Our will is one with God’s will. We are each an expression of God’s will. Where there seems […]

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Lesson 73, March 14

I will there be light. Our ego’s powerless and meaningless thoughts of idle wishes create the unreality of darkness and nothingness that bring us only pain, despair, and emptiness. Idol wishes create the appearances we […]

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Lesson 72, March 13

Holding grievances is an attack on God’s plan for salvation. The ego’s plan is always an attempt to destroy God’s plan because it wants to replace God, which it does with its focus on the […]

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