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Lesson 111, April 21

Review (91) Miracles are seen in light. (92) Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one. Holy Spirit, we place these thoughts God gave to us, in our minds to be used […]

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Lesson 110, April 20

I am as God created me. We are in this moment whole and innocent. The nothingness born of our mistaken beliefs has never changed a thing. The past has not occurred and the future is […]

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Lesson 109, April 19

I rest in God. I rest in God’s peace. Let us rest in the peace of God’s comforting arms. Pay no mind to the nothingness of the storm’s ravaging the world. Deeper we sink into […]

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Lesson 108, April 18

To give and to receive are one in truth. Today’s idea is powerful as it integrates the apparent split between opposites that wrong-mindedness perceives. Allowing all opposites to be transformed in our minds, will heal […]

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Lesson 107, April 17

Truth will correct all errors in my mind. The errors of believing in the false are what create the perceived mental and emotional walls that imprison us. These errors grow out of our doubts, worries, […]

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Lesson 106, April 16

Let me be still and listen to the truth. Be still and listen to the truth instead of the voice that predicts and promises smallness, lack, loss, and limitation. We can hear God’s voice only […]

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Lesson 105, April 15

God’s peace and joy are mine. When we are not experiencing peace and joy, it is always because we are not extending the peace and joy of God that are already ours. We cannot experience […]

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Lesson 104, April 14

I seek but what belongs to me in truth. Happiness, joy, love, and peace belong to us because of who we are. We can only realize these gifts from God when we stop idolizing the […]

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Lesson 103, April 13

God being Love is also happiness. With happiness as our function, it must also be our choice to be loving. Being love, means we are being happy. Without love, we cannot be happy. Love being […]

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Lesson 102, April 12

I share God’s Will for happiness for me. With this lesson, we continue our focus on connecting with the happiness that is already a part of us. We are also continuing to devote five minutes […]

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Lesson 101, April 11

God’s will for me is perfect happiness. Sadness can have no more place in my heart. Sadness and happiness cannot both be true. We no longer need to accept any unhappy feelings, but instead we […]

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Lesson 100, April 10

My part is essential to God’s plan for salvation. God’s plan for salvation is to demonstrate His light in the darkness of the world by extending and therefore, magnifying His love with our smiling faces […]

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Lesson 99, April 9

Salvation is my only function here. This lesson tells us that salvation and forgiveness mean the same thing, and are necessary when something has gone wrong. Salvation and forgiveness are what we use to release […]

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Lesson 98, April 8

I will accept my part in God’s plan for salvation. This is a day of complete surrender, a day of release from the illusions we have been making real. This is a day of certainty […]

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Lesson 96, April 6

Salvation comes from my one Self. In previous lessons, we have spoken of grievances and attacks, stating that no one is to blame for our troubles because there is nothing and no one outside of […]

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Lesson 95, April 5

I am one Self, united with my Creator. We already are perfect and at one with our Creator. For most of us, however, we experience ourselves as divided into good and bad, light and shadow, […]

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Lesson 94, April 4

I am as God created me. I am His Son eternally. This lesson asks us to say these two lines at the top of every hour today in an attempt for us to connect with […]

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Lesson 93, April 3

Light and joy and peace abide in me. Similar to yesterday’s lesson, today’s lesson is showing us how to discern truth from illusion, how to differentiate what is real from what is not real. Nothing […]

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Lesson 92, April 2

Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one. Strength is the truth about us, weakness is a lie, an illusion. Our strength comes from God. We are at our strongest when we […]

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