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Lesson 131, May 11

No one can fail who seeks to reach the truth. Become aware of all of our thoughts and feelings about what is going on in every moment. Bring to God all of these thoughts and […]

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Lesson 129, May 9

Beyond this world there is a world I want. What value could a world hold where everything just changes and dies? We now gladly exchange that worthless world without value for the endless peace and […]

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Lesson 128, May 8

The world I see holds nothing that I want. Whatever we value in the world becomes a chain that kills our freedom. That is its only purpose. All that we value in the world serves […]

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Lesson 127, May 7

There is no love but God’s. God’s love is unchanging, and never depends on conditions or circumstances. In truth, love is all there is. Nothing is Real but God’s Love.

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Lesson 126, May 6

All that I give is given to myself. This lesson asks us to remember a previous lesson, “to give and to receive are the same.” What has been given, therefore, must be received. When we […]

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Lesson 125, May 5

In quiet I receive God’s Word today. The ego’s voice is the constant chatter we hear in and around us that drowns out the sound of the Presence by insisting on placing its attention on […]

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Lesson 124, May 4

Let me remember I am one with God. God is our constant companion wherever we are, walking beside us through the mental mud and the blooming flower fields. We are at one with God; what […]

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Lesson 123, May 3

I thank my Father for His gifts to me. We thank You, Father for Your gifts to us. I am grateful for my life. Thank You for A Course in Miracles that has brought me […]

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Lesson 122, May 2

Forgiveness offers everything I want. Forgiveness is the answer to all of our wanting, needing, and seeking. Forgiveness brings us peace, purpose, protection, worthiness, and deep comfort. Forgiveness lifts the veil of darkness that unforgiveness […]

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Lesson 121, May 1

Forgiveness is the key to happiness. Today’s lesson teaches us to practice forgiveness, simply by ignoring all form and errors, and instead, holding our complete attention only on God’s happy qualities of light, love, and […]

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Lesson 120, April 30

Review (109) I rest in God. (110) I am as God created me. A Course in Miracles is a path to move us out of confusion, conflict, chatter, and chaos to the perfect calm and […]

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Lesson 119, April 29

Review (107) Truth will correct all errors in my mind. (108) To give and to receive are one in truth. The errors in our minds are all of the mistaken beliefs we hold that maintain […]

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Lesson 118, April 28

Review (105) God’s peace and joy are mine. (106) Let me be still and listen to the truth. Quiet the loud voice of our own weak ego, who feels the need to shout out to […]

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Lesson 117, April 27

Review (103) God being Love is also happiness. (104) I seek but what belongs to me in truth. Love, joy, happiness, and peace are the gifts our Father has given to us. This is the […]

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Lesson 116, April 26

Review (101) God’s Will for me is perfect happiness. (102) I share God’s Will for happiness for me. We suffer only when we believe there is another will apart from His. What God wills for […]

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Lesson 115, April 25

(99) Salvation is my only function here. (100) My part is essential to God’s plan for salvation. Our only function is to forgive the world for all of our mistaken beliefs. All of the different […]

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Lesson 114, April 24

(97) I am spirit. (98) I will accept my part in God’s plan for salvation. What does it mean for us to be spirit? It means that we are not bodies but we are spirit […]

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Lesson 113, April 23

Review (95) I am one Self, united with my Creator. (96) Salvation comes from my one Self. I need do nothing but remember my identity in God as wholeness, and let all images go of […]

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Lesson 112, April 22

Review (93) Light and joy and peace abide in me. (94) I am as God created me. We are communication channels that naturally radiate out the light, love, laughter, joy, and peace that we are […]

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