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Lesson 171, June 20

Review God is but love and therefore so am I. (151) All things are echoes of the Voice for God. God is but love and therefore so am I. (152) The power of decision is […]

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Lesson 170, June 19

There is no cruelty in God and none in me. Cruelty means to attack, and we can only attack if we believe we are separate. We attack others and ourselves because we hold grievances and […]

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Lesson 169, June 18

By grace I live. By grace I am released. By grace I give. By grace I will release. Grace is the state of being in Heaven’s Oneness. It is a way of seeing through illusions […]

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Lesson 168, June 17

Your grace is given me. I claim it now. It is easy to be without grace when we continue to believe in the identities and stories our eyes show us. The end of separation, lack, […]

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Lesson 167, June 16

There is one life, and that I share with God. There exists either life or the denial of that life. We cannot exist separate from God —or from life. Our minds, the one life we […]

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Lesson 166, June 15

I am entrusted with the gifts of God. God holds nothing back but showers us with everything to contribute to our happiness. If God’s gifts are not received by us, however, it is because our […]

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Lesson 165, June 14

Let not my mind deny the Thought of God. We deny the Thought of God when our attention is on the world we created with all of its temptations and distractions that we believe are […]

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Lesson 164, June 13

Now are we one with Him Who is our Source. Today we practice to have a clear and open channel so that the Christ vision can make itself known to us. Clear out our channel […]

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Lesson 163, June 12

There is no death. The Son of God is free. Death is used by the ego to tempt us into believing that death in any of its forms of negative thinking or feeling is real. […]

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Lesson 161, June 10

Give me your blessing, holy Son of God. Yesterday’s lesson brought to our awareness the identity we hold of ourselves as fearful rather than loving, as fear and not as the love that we are. […]

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Lesson 160, June 9

I am at home. Fear is the stranger here. We are all searching for something in the world. This world, however, is not our home, because the world is nothingness, a creation of the fears […]

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Lesson 158, June 7

Today I learn to give as I receive. We can only receive the love we give. We sometimes think we have nothing to give, however, we are always able to give someone the gift of […]

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Lesson 157, June 6

Into His Presence would I enter now. We recognize that now we are walking hand in hand with our Father, who is leading us in every moment through all of the walls and barriers that […]

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Lesson 156, June 5

I walk with God in perfect holiness. Ideas never leave their Source, so we, as an idea in the One Mind of God, can never be separate from our Source. We can never walk alone […]

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Lesson 155, June 4

I will step back and let Him lead the way. This is what all of our work in A Course in Miracles has been training us to do. God is our one constant companion. We […]

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Lesson 154, June 3

I am among the ministers of God. Our function on this earth is to be a minister, which is a messenger, sharing with others the messages of love, peace, and joy that God has given […]

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Lesson 153, June 2

In my defenselessness my safety lies. The nature of the world, however, is to attack. Whenever we attack we affirm weakness and separation, and thus become trapped in dreams in the world. When we are […]

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Lesson 152, June 1

The power of decision is my own. In this pivotal lesson, we recognize that we are totally responsible for every aspect of our lives. All that happens to us, from loss to grief to death, […]

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