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Lesson 191, July 10

I am the Holy Son of God Himself. Today we will rise above the false self that we have been identified with. It is time that we stop denying the truth. Today we accept ourselves […]

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Lesson 190, July 9

I choose the joy of God instead of pain. In the past, and still in the present, more often than not, we have chosen pain over peace, joy, and happiness. When we are experiencing pain, […]

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Lesson 189, July 8

I feel the love of God within me now. We do not experience God’s love and light within us because we are blinded by the world, and contracted with our fears. But feeling the love […]

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Lesson 188, July 7

The peace of God is shining in me now. Recognize that the peace of God’s love and light are here now. If we are having trouble experiencing God’s qualities it is only because we have, […]

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Lesson 187, July 6

I bless the world because I bless myself. There is no loss, because giving something away can only increase what we have given. Before we can give something away we must first have possession of […]

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Lesson 186, July 5

Salvation of the world depends on me. Today’s lesson asks us to put down our false humility, self-doubts, and arrogant ideas that believe we can in any way be unworthy. All of these mistaken beliefs […]

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Lesson 185, July 4

I want the peace of God. Desire the peace of God with all your heart and it will be yours. This lesson notes the difference between merely saying the words that we want the peace […]

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Lesson 184, July 3

The name of God is my inheritance. When we name something, we are attempting to define the thing that we are labeling as separate from the whole. That separation is not the truth, however.

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Lesson 183, July 2

I call upon God’s name and on my own. The practice for today’s lesson is a meditation on God’s name. Just repeat His name to yourself, very slowly, over and over. I have often done […]

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Lesson 182, July 1

I will be still an instant and go home. This world, the house or apartment we live in, our bodies —- none of these places are our home. Yet we do find ourselves seeking something […]

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Lesson 181, June 30

I trust my brothers who are one with me. Our brothers who push our buttons are messengers sent to us by God to get our attention. Remember, nothing exists outside of us.

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Lesson 179, June 28

Review God is but love and therefore so am I. (167) There is one life, and that I share with God. God is but love and therefore so am I. (168) Your grace is given […]

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Lesson 178, June 27

Review God is but love and therefore so am I. (165) Let not my mind deny the Thought of God. God is but love and therefore so am I. (166) I am entrusted with the […]

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Lesson 172, June 21

Review God is but Love, and therefore so am I. (153) In my defenselessness my safety lies. God is but Love, and therefore so am I. (154) I am among the ministers of God. God […]

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