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Lesson 209, July 28

I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me. (189) I feel the love of God within me now. God’s love is continuous and forever flowing and extending. […]

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Lesson 207, July 26

I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me. (187) I bless the world because I bless myself. We bless ourselves when we turn away from the ego’s […]

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Lesson 204, July 23

I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me. (184) The name of God is my inheritance. So why are we accepting and claiming our smallness? Our one […]

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Lesson 201, July 20

I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me. (181) I trust my brothers who are one with me. Let us look upon every brother recognizing the truth […]

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Lesson 200, July 19

There is no peace except the peace of God. Outer conditions can never give us peace. Nothing in the world except for forgiveness can bring us God’s peace. Thinking about finding peace or comfort in […]

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Lesson 199, July 18

I am not a body. I am free. We are mind, we are the energetic vibration of our thoughts and feelings. When we feel tired, sick, old, fat, or whatever, then we have become identified […]

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Lesson 197, July 16

It can be but my gratitude I earn. We have all experienced emotional ups and downs, the uplifting energizers and the disappointments, of receiving and not receiving gratitude. We often withdraw our approval from those […]

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Lesson 196, July 15

It can be but myself that I crucify. This lesson can be the most difficult lesson of all to learn and accept. In healing our brothers we heal ourselves; in attacking our brothers we attack […]

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Lesson 195, July 14

Love is the way I walk in gratitude. Gratitude is what works to heal any situation without ever needing to change the situation itself. Gratitude is a high frequency of energy, in alignment with light, […]

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Lesson 194, July 13

I place the future in the hands of God. Every moment that we give to God will make the next moment one that is free of sadness, pain, anxiety, and suffering. Worry and fear are […]

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Lesson 193, July 12

All things are lessons God would have me learn. “All distress is unforgiveness.” In order to see anything differently, all that is needed is our loving kindness, our forgiveness. When we lack peace or are […]

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Lesson 192, July 11

I have a function God would have me fill. In heaven our function is to create by extending love. Forgiveness is our one function on earth. When we are unforgiving we are making real what […]

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