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Lesson 31, January 31

I am not the victim of the world I see. If we are seeing ourselves as victims then we are attacking ourselves with those kinds of thoughts. This is wrong minded thinking that shows we […]

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Lesson 30, January 30

God is in everything I see because God is in my mind. We don’t see through our physical eyes, but it is in our minds that true Vision occurs. This true Christ Vision is without […]

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Lesson 29, January 29

God is in everything I see. Sometimes acceptance can be a hard lesson to learn, but one that we need to get if we are to learn today’s lesson. This lesson asks us to look […]

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Lesson 28, January 28

Above all else I want to see things differently. Today’s lesson is asking us to begin to express our commitment to yesterday’s lesson by applying it to all of the things that are located around […]

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Lesson 27, January 27

Above all else, I want to see. A few lessons ago we declared that we were determined to see things differently. Now, we are declaring that not only are we determined to see, but that […]

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Lesson 26, January 26

My attack thoughts are attacking my invulnerability. Our fear thoughts are being projected which makes us fearful of being attacked, and so we always attack ourselves first. Seeing that we can be attacked, makes us […]

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Lesson 25, January 25

I do not know what anything is for. Our natural state is to be awake and conscious of seeing God in everyone and everything, and aware of all of our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Chances […]

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Lesson 24, January 24

I do not perceive my own best interests. Whenever we judge the results of any situation, it is in our interest to recognize that we are doing so with our own perception. A perception is […]

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Lesson 23, January 23

I can escape from the world I see by giving up attack thoughts. The world you see is not real because it is made up of attack thoughts that are in your mind. The world […]

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Lesson 22, January 22

What I see is a form of vengeance. We see our attack thoughts projected onto the world. Attack thoughts can only affect us when we ourselves are holding on to attack thoughts in our minds. […]

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Lesson 21, January 21

I am determined to see things differently. This lesson is asking us to look at the people and situations that arouse anger in us, our grievances. The purpose of this lesson is to look at […]

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Lesson 20, January 20

I am determined to see. Our minds are undisciplined and that is the reason we lack peace, joy, happiness. Make the decision that you want to see. Then remind yourself often of your decision to […]

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Lesson 19, January 19

I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my thinking. All that we see is an effect of all that we think and feel. Nothing exists outside of our minds, not even time exists. […]

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Lesson 18, January 18

I am not alone in experiencing the effects of my seeing. The reason that we are not alone in experiencing the effects of our seeing is that all of us share one mind, the mind […]

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Lesson 17, January 17

I see no neutral things. All that we see in the world is a witness to the thoughts that we are thinking. The picture of events, appearances, and results in our world is only mirroring […]

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Lesson 16, January 16

I have no neutral thoughts. Yesterday’s lesson showed us that our thoughts are images that we have made. Today, we recognize that we have no idle thoughts because every thought that we have is creating […]

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Lesson 15, January 15

My thoughts are images that I have made. Vision is a psychological construct. We don’t see with our eyes but we see with our minds. What we see is not real, but is an image. […]

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Lesson 14, January 14

God did not create a meaningless world. The first time I read this lesson was a real eye-opener. It seems that as a culture, we ask questions such as, ”Why did God create cancer?” or […]

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Lesson 13, January 13

A meaningless world engenders fear. I am upset because if the world I am seeing is meaningless, that can only mean my annihilation, or the end of the ego which I seem to be remarkably […]

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Lesson 12, January 12

I am upset because I see a meaningless world. The world and all of its contents are all the same, neutral. Nothing is either good or bad. If I seem to perceive sadness, or violence, […]

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