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Lesson 51, February 20

Review: For the next ten days, each lesson will receive five of the first fifty lessons in A Course in Miracles. 1. Nothing I see means anything. 2. I have given what I see all […]

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Lesson 50, February 19

I am sustained by the Love of God. Just feel the incredible sense of peace as these words are said, either silently or out loud. I am sustained by the Love of God. This lesson […]

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Lesson 49, February 18

God’s voice speaks to me all through the day. We have two voices in our minds that we make the choice to listen to in every moment of the day. One voice is calm, certain, […]

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Lesson 48, February 17

There is nothing to fear. When we are feeling disturbed or anxious, we are trusting in illusions. In truth, there is nothing to fear. This lesson reminds us that the presence of fear is a […]

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Lesson 47, February 16

God is the strength in which I trust. The images and circumstances that we see in the world are all there because they are showing us something that we need to learn. If any kind […]

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Lesson 46, February 15

God is the love in which I forgive. God has never condemned so what need could He have for forgiveness? Those who forgive are released from illusions, but those who refuse to forgive become bound […]

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Lesson 45, February 14

God is the mind with which I think. Today’s lesson is an attempt recognize our real thoughts. Our intention is to deny the world in favor of the truth, to leave the unreal in favor […]

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Lesson 44, February 13

God is the light in which I see. Light reflects life. We do not create life or light, but we do create our darkness. We are blind in the darkness, a self-made prison in which […]

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Lesson 43, February 12

God is my Source. I cannot see apart from Him. The Holy Spirit mediates between perception and knowledge. One, perception, does not exist, and the other, knowledge, is of God. Although perception does not exist, […]

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Lesson 42, February 11

God is my strength. Vision is His gift. Our strength comes from God, not from ourselves. If problems, weakness, or victimhood are filling the thoughts of our consciousness, then we can be certain we have […]

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Lesson 41, February 10

God goes with me wherever I go. Today’s lesson begins with the statement that it overcomes every sense of sorrow, loss, fear, loneliness, and abandonment the separated ones experience. The lesson states that the consequences […]

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Lesson 39, February 8

My holiness is my salvation. This lesson tells us that this course is simple, and that we don’t even need to practice what is already ours. We are now, have always been, and will forever […]

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Lesson 38, February 7

There is nothing my holiness cannot do. From this lesson forward, we are learning to recognize how powerful we truly are. There is nothing our holiness cannot do. It can remove our pain, end our […]

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Lesson 37, February 6

My holiness blesses the world. This lesson gives us a glimpse into why we are here and what our earthly purpose is. “Your purpose is to see the world through your own holiness.” “Those who […]

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Lesson 36, February 5

My holiness envelopes everything I see. God is in everything I see, because God is in my mind. We are each a part of God, and therefore we share His qualities of sinlessness. What us […]

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Lesson 35, February 4

My mind is part of God’s. I am very holy. This thought is coming from the voice of our True Christ Self. If this voice of our single mindedness was the only voice that we […]

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Lesson 34, February 3

I could see peace instead of this. This lesson reminds me of a song that we sang in church that starts, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” Since all […]

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Lesson 33, February 2

There is another way of looking at the world. We are being asked to step back and look upon all with a greater awareness. No longer are we looking at the world or at ourselves […]

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Lesson 32, February 1

I have invented the world I see. Our thoughts are chosen by us and every one of these thoughts has an effect. This lesson tells us that both our inner and outer worlds are one […]

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